Who We Are
We are a team of psychologists, physicians, nurses, scientists, filmmakers, and parents who design and evaluate resources to support families with LGBTQ+ kids. Researchers on our team come from George Washington University, Northwestern, Duke, and the University of Utah. We believe that when LGBTQ+ youth and young adults have strong, supportive relationships with their families, they will be happier, healthier, and more successful.
Our Team
Parent with Love resources were developed by leading experts in the field.

David Huebner, PhD, MPH
Dr. Huebner is a clinical psychologist and Professor of Prevention and Community Health at George Washington University. He has spent 20 years researching how parents influence the health of LGBT youth, and he leads the team who creates and evaluates the resources for Parent with Love. He’s also a dad to an energetic, hysterical middle-school-aged son. If you have questions about the science, you can reach him at paths@gwu.edu.

Rana M. Saber, MS, MSLaw, PMP
Rana Saber is the Director of Research Application Design and Development (RADD) at Northwestern University. Over the past decade, Rana and her team have developed websites and applications for health interventions and tools used by researchers. Many of these projects focus on preventive interventions for adolescents. Rana also loves to foster baby kittens, garden, and play with her overly energetic pup. If you have questions about the technology, you can reach her at paths@gwu.edu.

Brian Baucom, PhD
Dr. Baucom is a licensed clinical psychologist and Associate Professor of Clinical and Quantitative Psychology at the University of Utah. He has dedicated his career to understanding how to help families navigate ups and downs and recently launched a statewide center to increase access to high quality psychological services for families and individuals who live or work in Utah. He lives his best #vanlife any chance he gets with his wife, son, and two high needs, rescue dogs.

Stephanie Micucci, MPH
Stephanie Micucci is a research associate at The George Washington University in the Milken Institute School of Public Health. She has experience conducting research on a variety of health topics including diabetes, maternal health, women’s pelvic medicine, and infectious disease. Outside of work, she loves spending time at the beach and taking care of too many plants.

Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, PhD, MPH, LCSW, RN, ANP-BC, PMHNP-BC, FAAN
Dr. Guilamo-Ramos is Dean and Professor at the Duke University School of Nursing. He is also the director of the Center for Latino Adolescent and Family Health. Dr. Guilamo-Ramos’ research and clinical work focus on youth and the role of families in promoting adolescent and young adult sexual and reproductive health among underserved youth with a particular focus on racial and ethnic minoritized youth. He is a nurse practitioner with an active clinical practice focused on the prevention and treatment of HIV among youth.

Jenny Mackenzie, PhD, MSW
Dr. Mackenzie is an award- winning documentary filmmaker who produces films that promote social change. Her films include KICK LIKE A GIRL, LEAD WITH LOVE, DYING IN VEIN, THE OPIATE GENERATION and the 2018 Sundance & Emmy-award winning film QUIET HEROES. Jenny’s films have aired on top broadcast and VOD channels such as HBO, HULU, PBS, and Amazon, and is an assistant professor in film production at Utah Valley University.
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